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PerfectApps ® Help Guide


This section is applicable only if your license allows you to create new accounts.


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1.On the Packages page, click New. PerfectApps loads the New Package page.

New Package Page

2.Enter the Name of the package and a short Description.

3.To activate the package, making it available for selection in the Account Details - Features and Limitations area, select the Active check box.

4.To make this package the default package automatically assigned to all new accounts, select the Default check box.


Setting up a default package to apply to all new system accounts is recommended. You may change the package assigned to an account or otherwise edit the account settings later if needed.


5.Select the features that should be available to accounts using this package.

6.Enter default usage thresholds for the following items:

Full Users

Basic Users

Advanced Users



Storage (MB)


For each item, values should be provided for:


Warning 1 - Enter the threshold that should prompt an initial warning e-mail message to be sent regarding reaching the maximum number allowed. This could be maximum number of Full users, Basic users, Apps, etc.

Warning 2 - Enter the threshold that should prompt a follow-up warning e-mail message to be sent.

Max - Specify the maximum number of Full users, Basic users, etc. allowed for the account.

7.Set the Max Attachment Size (MB). This determines the maximum file size that accounts using this package are allowed to attach to an app.

8.Set the Max Instances Per App. This determines the maximum number of allowable instances for each app created by accounts using this package.

9.Enter the number of Valid Days for accounts using this package. This field will be used to calculate the Expiration Date on individual accounts. Expiration Date of an account can be overridden on the Account Details page.

10.Click Create.


See also: Deleting a Package


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