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PerfectApps ® Help Guide

Navigation: Welcome to PerfectApps

Using the Table of Contents

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Use the Table of Contents ('TOC') to quickly navigate to the page or section you are looking for. This is a useful tool if you already know where the page is located in the 'TOC' tree view.


If you view this guide on a normal screen or large tablet the 'TOC' will be displayed on the left panel.




Topics with a HM Plus button to the left contain subtopics that are currently hidden from view. Clicking on the button or the topic name will select that page and open the next level of topics.


Only one section can be opened at a time at the top level; any already opened sections will close when a new top-level section is opened.


Topics with a HM Minus button to the left contain subtopics that are already on view. If the button of the currently selected page is clicked, the sub-topics of that page will be hidden, but if another page was selected, clicking on the button of the page will simply select that page. A further click will be needed to close the subtopics.


If you are using this guide on a small tablet or smartphone, the TOC will most likely be hidden from view allowing the available screen to show the topic contents.




Use the HM TOCMobileOpenClose button to open or close the TOC.


See also: Using the Keyword Index


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