Ever wonder how your customers feel about your product and service? Often the first step towards improvement and a high quality product is to ask questions through customer satisfaction surveys. During a recent survey, we asked our customers about their satisfaction level and product use. According to the survey:
- On average, our clients use 11 electronic forms to improve efficiency and workflow
- 92% of our clients are satisfied with PerfectApps
- 9 out of 10 would recommend us to colleagues and friends
Check out the word cloud that summarizes the benefits our customers reported using PerfectApps.
The bigger the word, the more times it was mentioned. We’re pretty excited that our customers are reporting benefits associated with going paperless, workflow automation and ease of use, among many others. Our customers also report a broad range of form types, with the most common being human resources and financial processes. From job applications to expense tracking, there are many uses for solutions built with PerfectApps. Does your operation use workflow automation or electronic forms? Tell us about it!