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Navigation: Designing an App > Adding Behaviors

Adding Behaviors to a Workflow Path

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Most behavior commands can be added to a workflow pathway. The most commonly used is the Notify command (See Setting Notifications, Reminders, Escalations.)


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1.With an app loaded in Workflow view, select the workflow path on the diagram that should prompt a notification scenario.

2.On Path Properties in the Behavior section, click Edit. PerfectApps switches to Behavior view and displays a new, blank Behavior tab for that workflow path.

3.Choose a Notify command from the Workflow Commands section of the Toolbox and drag it onto the Behavior canvas.

4.Configure the settings on the Properties panel. Click Edit to add a notification.

5.When the properties are set, click the Universal - Workflow Area Button button to return to the Workflow view. Note that the Path Properties now shows '1 command' in the Behavior section.



For more information on assigning notifications, see the Workflow topics in this guide.


See also: Checking for Mandatory Fields


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