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Conditional & Parallel Approval

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In some Workflow processes the people approving a request and the value that determines when someone needs to approve, may not be the same for all requests. The workflow rules in these cases would be conditional on choices made in the app.


In this example Repair Request app we have included two features to demonstrate one way to manage this, The two features are:


Conditional Approval: Dynamic choices in the app, in this case value and department, would determine which users would need to approve a request and for what value requests. Check the Authorization Schedule below for details.

Parallel Approval: Rather than each user approving in turn, all required users are notified at the same time and they can access the app in any order to make their decision.


Example Authorization Schedule:




To download this app, click here. Then extract and import the app. Log on to PerfectApps, go to the Apps Workspace and click the Import button. Then select the app file you saved locally (.PA or .PF) and continue through the import steps. This download also includes a document explaining the key features of the app.


To learn how to import an app into your account see App Management Video Tutorials



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