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Simple Branch or Multiple Branch

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Conditional behaviors allow you to take specific actions based on some action or object in the app.



Example: On a vacation request app, if a user chooses to request normal leave, then we want the app to skip to the page titled 'Normal'. If any of the other options (maternity, hospitalization or unpaid) are selected then the app should jump to the page titled 'Other'.


Simple Branch


The Simple Branch command allows you to set a single condition which results in a value of true or false. There is one line exiting the command which represents the TRUE result. The join line then connects to further behavior commands. There is optionally a second FALSE join line that can exit the Simple Branch command which can be attached to further commands. There cannot be more than two join lines exiting a Simple Branch command.


Simple Branch or Multiple Branch Example_Simple Branch



Multiple Branch


To perform app actions based on more than two conditions, use the Multiple Branch command. You can specify each condition by clicking on each join line exiting the command and then specifying the condition on the Properties panel.


Simple Branch or Multiple Branch Example_Multiple Branch



As a general rule the Multiple Branch Command will create more 'overhead' in the app than the Simple Branch Command and can slow down the loading and execution of the app if used excessively. Do not use Branch Commands unnecessarily. When they are required use Simple Branch Commands wherever possible.


Branch commands using an 'Is Empty' condition recognize '0' as a value and do not consider a field to be empty in that case.


See also: Connect Commands and Integration


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