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PerfectApps ® Help Guide

There are two types of filters available in PerfectApps reports.


Static Filters: Applied at the data source level and used to filter out any data that doesn't need to be reported on at all.


Dynamic Filters: Applied by the user whilst viewing the report.


A static filter may be defined in the data source dialog by clicking on the Edit button in that section.


Static Filter

In the Data Source Filter dialog build your static filter based on fields selected in your data source.


If, for example, you didn't want to report on rejected requests you would use the following filter:

(Stage is not equal to Rejected)

Static Filter 1


If you didn't want to report on Approved or Rejected requests you would use the following filter:

(Stage is not equal to Rejected AND Stage is not equal to Approved)

Static Filter 2


Click OK to save your filter.


Dynamic filters are included in the design of the report and covered in Setting up Drill-Down and Filtering however when more than one dynamic filter is applied PerfectApps will by default join those filters using the logical AND operator. If it's necessary for dynamic filters to be joined using the logical OR operator you can make that selection in the Data Source Dialog.

Dynamic Filter Join Option


Data Source Filters

Data Source Filters

(2 min)

Watch this tutorial to see how to specify a filter at the data source level.


See also: Report Permissions


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