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icon Horizontal Slider

The Horizontal Slider object is an app layout object found in the input toolbox.




The Horizontal Slider object allows app users to choose from a continuous range of values.


A slider has a bar that shows the range and an indicator that shows the current value. Optional tick marks show values. Incorporate a slider when you want your users to be able to set defined, contiguous values (such as volume or brightness) or a range of discrete values (such as screen resolution settings). The decision to use a horizontal or vertical slider should be dependent on your design and available screen space.


A Horizontal Slider will allow an app user to select from a specified range of values.



The Horizontal Slider will default to the minimum value and can never be empty. Making it a mandatory field does not make sense and is not possible.


The object is compatible with JAWS version 2018.


For full details on the Horizontal Slider object properties CLICK HERE.


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