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PerfectApps ® Help Guide


When inactivating a user, it is recommended that you update any apps where this user account might be assigned to a role in the app workflow.


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To suspend a user:


1.Go to the Settings Dashboard.

2.In the tree, expand Account Settings, then click Users > Users.


You may need to upgrade your account if you cannot load the User tree view. Contact PerfectApps support or go to the Settings Dashboard and navigate to Account Settings > License, then click the Upgrade the Account button.


3.In the User tree view, select the user to inactivate.

4.In the details area of the page, clear the Active check box.


Inactive users cannot log in to PerfectApps. However, the user's apps and data remain available should their account be reactivated.



See also: Creating a User-Group


Return to: Account Setup and Administration