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Report Design - Getting Started

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The PerfectApps reporting module can be used in several ways.


Reporting on data using traditional reporting objects such as pie charts, bar charts and tables.

Creating an access portal in a table with links to open the app instances.

Creating a table with filters permitting the extraction of sections of the overall data into CSV or XML format.


There are some restrictions with the reporting module:


You can only report on data collected by PerfectApps app instances. You cannot report directly on data in a third-party database.

To view a PerfectApps report, the user must have a Full User or Basic User license.


The report designer is very similar to the app designer in appearance and use, but there are three key differences.


The report designer includes a toolbox specifically for the reporting objects. This toolbox contains the charts, tables and filters used to build a report.

A report does not include a Workflow. It is opened, viewed and closed by a licensed user.

In the report properties section, you define the data source for your report. A data source will be a PerfectApps app and its instances.


Next: Creating a Report


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