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Navigation: Designing a Report

Adding Objects to Your Report

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You can set out your report in the same way as you do for your apps.

See Adding a Page & Adding a Picture or Graphic topics.


PerfectApps also supports a number of reporting objects you can drag and drop onto the canvas. These include:


Pie Chart - This displays a graph in the shape of a circle, with segments representing related proportions.

Bar Chart - This displays a graph in the app of boxes of different heights, with each box representing a different value or category of data and the heights representing frequencies.

Line Chart - This type of graph displays information as a series of data points connected by straight segments.

Data Grid - This shows aggregated or grouped data.

Data List - This shows individual app instance data. You can configure columns to show individual app fields.

Value - This is used to show a calculated numeric value.

Filter Input - This allows the report user to search for data within specific fields through input boxes (text input, date calendars, times, and more.)

Filter Selector - This is a list or drop-down list that is populated with unique values for the specified field. The report user can then select one of these and it will perform a drill-down on other objects within the report.

Clear Filter Button - When the report user clicks this button, all drill-down filters are cleared and the report is refreshed.


See also: Adding a Pie, Bar or Line Chart


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