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icon Simple Branch

The Simple Branch command is a behavior object found in the general toolbox.




The Simple Branch command uses an IF condition that can have a maximum of two join lines exiting it. The first join line is the True condition and the second join is the False condition. You are not required to specify both condition join lines. If you want the behavior to execute beyond a certain point only if a condition is true, then just use a single join line. You are able to re-size the circle icon so that a larger text label may be displayed. If you wish to change the default label on the join line, use the auto-summary condition.


Where there will be more outcomes needed consider using the Multiple Branch command.


For full details on the Simple Branch command properties CLICK HERE.


Conditional Behavior

Conditional Behavior

(5 min)

Triggering different things dependent on selections made in the app is another very common requirement. This video explains the two different branch commands that can be used to manage this type of logic.


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