
Use Automated Workflows for More Effective Delegation

Have you ever started a business? If so, you probably know what it’s like to assume all the job titles, from CEO to mail clerk. Starting a business by definition requires flexibility, because you have to learn how to make it all work, and it takes time. The problem comes when the entrepreneur starts hiring […]

How Defined Workflows Add Creativity and Versatility to Your Workforce

Even if a company wanted to stamp out creativity in their workforce, it would be nearly impossible to do. People have a way of developing creativity even within strict constraints. Have you ever looked at pictures of women’s hairstyles during World War II? Fabric, clothing, and shoes were strictly rationed, and many women resigned themselves […]

Why Spreadsheets Aren’t Enough for Your New Business

Back in olden times, spreadsheets were designed to be used instead of the paper sheets that were commonly used by bookkeepers and accountants. They provided the rigid layout for keeping accounts clear, and a built-in calculator that saved massive amounts of time.. They were so popular that many credit spreadsheets with prompting the development of […]

Why Your Online Form Software Must Have Reporting Capability

Form software is considered a basic tool for operating a small business with efficiency and resource savings, so it’s not unusual for small startups to invest in form software right away. Investing in form software that only makes online forms and doesn’t allow for reporting on the data those forms collect is short-sighted, even if […]

Helping Your Traveling Employees Process Contracts on the Road

Technology such as video conferencing has cut down on the need for some business travel. But there are still types of business that must be transacted in person, and that requires employees to hop on a plane now and then. In the old days, not only was actual travel necessary more often, the travel itself […]

How Customer-Facing Forms and Workflows Can Amplify Your Brand

“Brand” is not an easy thing to measure, because it has such a strong emotional component. While your brand is yours to manage, ultimately it is about how your customers perceive you, rather than about self-perception. After all, it is the customers who determine whether you succeed or not. Your company’s brand is made up […]

How Strong Document Control Can Transform Government Offices

Government organizations are document-heavy and they must work with tight budgets most of the time. While the paperless office is mostly realized as a myth at this point, it is certainly possible for government entities to drastically reduce their use of paper, which automatically reduces costs for supplies, storage, and the time spent retrieving paper […]

Why Online Form Software Is a Startup Essential

The smallest startup is still a business, and has to function as one. Most startups have limited resources, so entrepreneurs typically learn to take care of business with a lot of sweat equity and creativity. Early partners usually wear many hats, and often they must do without some of the things that bigger or more […]

How Automated Forms and Workflows Enhance Corporate Training

Training is a major investment for most businesses, yet too many of them fail to get an acceptable return on that investment. Perhaps part of the reason is that the training programs that served admirably during the Industrial Era are not quite right for the Information Era. Back in the day, corporate training meant overhead […]

Minimizing the Risk of Error Propagation in Your Automated Workflows

Error propagation is actually an advanced branch of mathematics involving means, variance, and second order differential equations. But it’s a concept that can be understood easily in principle. In fact, there’s a good chance you have dealt with the consequences of error propagation in your work or home life. Have you ever had the experience […]