Online Form Design Can Make or Break Survey Projects
Businesses of all kinds use online surveys. Not only do retailers periodically survey customers after they have completed purchases, there are some companies that provide survey services as part of what they do. Consulting companies are an example. The right survey, delivered in the right format to the right person at the right time can […]
Is It Time to Re-Imagine Your Online Forms?
Online forms are nothing new, and most people are used to them. In fact, online forms are the backbone of many businesses, and are typically the primary way businesses collect data about their customers and their internal employees. But online forms can be so much more than just electronic versions of the paper forms you […]
Why People Abandon Online Forms and What to Do About It
All types of businesses and other organizations depend on online forms to collect and deliver information and strengthen relationships with clients. But most people don’t finish online forms after starting them. It isn’t that filling out forms is too hard. People want their online activities to proceed with the least amount of “friction” as possible. […]
Why ‘Mobile First’ Makes Sense for Online Form Design
Online forms are a fact of life for millions of people. Whether they’re ordering pizza, applying for a mortgage, or completing business “paperwork,” they’re as likely to be doing so using a phone or tablet as any other way. One recent survey found that in 2016, 57% of web visits arrived via mobile, a figure […]
There Is Simply No Reason Not to Use Online Forms
Filling out forms is the bane of many people’s existence, and the people whose jobs involve collecting and dealing with filled-out paper forms don’t care for them much either. Customers and clients who fill out paper forms know that a sometimes-significant chunk of time will be devoted to form completion, and mistakes will have to […]
Could This Be the Year Online Forms Take Your Business Paperless?
If you’re old enough, you probably remember the promise of the “paperless” office that emerged as personal computers became popular in both workplaces and homes a few decades ago. You probably also remember how that didn’t happen, and how if anything, the ease of printing meant the consumption of more paper and ink than in […]
Use Automated Workflows for More Effective Delegation
Have you ever started a business? If so, you probably know what it’s like to assume all the job titles, from CEO to mail clerk. Starting a business by definition requires flexibility, because you have to learn how to make it all work, and it takes time. The problem comes when the entrepreneur starts hiring […]
How Defined Workflows Add Creativity and Versatility to Your Workforce
Even if a company wanted to stamp out creativity in their workforce, it would be nearly impossible to do. People have a way of developing creativity even within strict constraints. Have you ever looked at pictures of women’s hairstyles during World War II? Fabric, clothing, and shoes were strictly rationed, and many women resigned themselves […]
Should You Create Multilingual Forms and Workflows?
Workplaces and communities are becoming more diverse, and as businesses are more easily able to work internationally, customer bases are diversifying as well. It only makes sense that bilingualism or multilingualism can drive the success of a business. After all, it means that many more people understand what the business does and can feel comfortable […]
Optimize Online Contact Forms and Make Them Part of a Strong Workflow
Online contact forms are a routine element of business, whether products and services are sold online or offline. The hope is that someone will find your website, be captivated enough to develop a real interest, and then complete a contact form to learn more. Many elements influence whether people take the time to complete an […]