
Good Business Process Management Is Human-Centric

Business process management is nearly ideal in principle. A good system of automated workflows can make up for many less-than-perfect human practices. But even the most well-developed and tested business process management system in the world can’t operate on its own, devoid of human presence. And you can’t expect even a great process to work […]

Why You Need a Defined Workflow for Out-Processing Departing Employees

Out-processing, also known as off-boarding, is the process of removing an employee from the organization, regardless of their reason for leaving. Younger employees, in particular, have shorter tenures than older ones, and rare today is the employee who stays with an employer for longer than a decade. Every business needs a proper strategy for out-processing […]

Workflows with Mobility Take Asset Management to a New Level

In simplest terms, asset management is keeping track of things. Just as you expect your children to keep track of their jackets, backpacks, and other items when you send them off to school, businesses rely on keeping track of their resources to minimize waste and duplicated effort. Most businesses that employ more than one or […]

How Workflow Software and AI Will Make Great Partners

Artificial intelligence, or AI, is the process of mimicking human intelligence with machines, particularly computers. The acquisition of information and rules for using it, which is AI “learning,” and using those rules to reach conclusions, which is AI “reasoning,” offers another level of automation on top of already-automated means of production. Artificial intelligence must also […]

The Subscription Economy and How It Affects Your Workflows

Workflow automation software

The subscription economy is expected to be worth at least $100 billion by the year 2020. Consumer behavior is evolving, especially among younger consumers. Owning and accumulating goods isn’t as big a priority as it used to be, while the experiences are increasingly important. Amazon and Netflix are two of the giants of the subscription […]