
Good Business Process Management Is Human-Centric

Business process management is nearly ideal in principle. A good system of automated workflows can make up for many less-than-perfect human practices. But even the most well-developed and tested business process management system in the world can’t operate on its own, devoid of human presence. And you can’t expect even a great process to work […]

3 Workflow Categories and What They Mean to Your Business

Workflows and processes are wonderful things that your business will always, always need. They’re pretty much what helps your business run smoothly and efficiently. And there are many different types of workflows, too. There are workflows that get your products to your customers. Workflows that get the product created. Workflows that get your employees paid. […]

Perform a Workflow Inventory to Maximize Efficiency

Man pointing to a graphic showing workflow with shapes

Does your business utilize workflows to help automate systems and processes? A workflow is a set of steps that must be completed in order to get a task done. These can be workflows throughout every department of your business, these can be automated, and they can be manual. Essentially, workflows help get stuff done. And […]

How Smart Contracts Could Revolutionize Workflows

Contracts are such an ingrained part of everyday life that we don’t notice them a lot of the time. Basically, a contract is an agreement between two parties that if Party 1 does this thing, then Party 2 does that thing. If I provide you with a computer program or a pair of shoes or […]

How the IoT Will Help Improve Workflow Automation

Most of us have heard of the “internet of things,” or IoT. The high-level view is that the IoT is made up of billions of physical devices throughout the world that are connected to the internet and that collect and share data. Elements of the IoT range from coffee makers to airplane parts, and the […]

How Automated Workflows Unlock Value Creation

The digital revolution is about far more than simply digitizing processes and data collection. It’s really about extracting value from digitization and automation. Digitizing for its own sake can produce an anemic ROI, but when it’s part of a strategy of value creation, the results can be impressive, and show an ROI quickly. To unlock […]

Artificial Intelligence Is Taking Workflows to a Higher Level

Artificial intelligence, or AI, is no longer a rarity. In fact, if you look at even earlier technologies, such as the earliest computer programs, artificial intelligence was present there in simpler forms, such as “if this, then that” statements. The first two industrial revolutions were powered by steam and then electricity. The third was based […]

How Could Blockchain Technology Affect Automated Workflows?

Blockchain technology hasn’t been around that long, and if you find it difficult to understand, you’re not alone. Suffice it to say that blockchain is a data layer that is both shared and cryptographically secure. It digitally tracks ownership of some asset across trust boundaries, which it can do because of its strong cryptographic security. […]

Decision Points and Rules: Making Workflows Do the Right Thing

The name of nineteenth century English mathematician George Boole may not ring a bell when you’re thinking about workflows, but in fact his work on logic created a foundation for much of the digital economy of today. Boolean algebra is all about logic, starting with a basic concept of “if this, then that.” Boole went […]

What Your Business Can Learn from Publishers about Workflows

The books, magazines, and professional journals you consume all come to you after an intensive process that really only begins after writers have finished putting words on the page. This is true whether you read a publication that is printed on paper, or if it comes to you in electronically. Getting words from the stage […]