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Adding Objects to your App

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To build your app, drag and drop app objects onto the canvas. These objects comprise the user interface where users will input data, trigger actions, make selections and submit the app.



For a complete list of objects and their uses, see the Layout Objects Properties Reference.


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To add an object to an app:


1.With an app loaded in the App Designer, select an object from the Toolbox and drag and drop it onto the layout canvas.

2.To modify the style, navigation or behavior settings, click the object and make changes on the Properties panel. Edit the styles and other properties of the selected object as needed.



When dropped onto the canvas, several input objects will also automatically include a text object. The text object is positioned above the input object and selected, allowing the designer to modify the text. Once the input and associated text objects have been dropped onto the canvas, they become independent, allowing the designer to modify, move or delete either object.


This feature is included with the following objects: Text Input, Multiline Text Input, Numeric Input, Date Input, Time Input, Drop Down, Mask Text Input, Numeric Stepper,


See also: Labeling an Object


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