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Cascading Drop-Downs

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It's quite common for selections made in one field, often a drop-down, to determine which options should be made available in a secondary selection.


In this example app we demonstrate two methods to manage this conditional logic:


Method 1 involves multiple pre-populated drop-down objects for the secondary selection and logic that shows/hides the appropriate drop-down based on the primary selection.


Method 2 involves a single drop-down for the secondary selection which is dynamically populated based on the primary selection.


Behavior demonstrated in this example includes: Multiple Branch, Set State, Set Selection Items, Copy Fields, Set Field, Run Behavior



This example is based on the presumption that the choices in all drop-downs are known at design time. If the secondary choices are not known at design, i.e. coming from a third party data source, then a different method would need to be used. In this scenario, method 2 could be modified to import the data from the third party data source.



To download this app, click here. Then extract and import the app. Log on to PerfectApps, go to the Apps Workspace and click the Import button. Then select the app file you saved locally (.PA or .PF) and continue through the import steps.


To learn how to import an app into your account see App Management Video Tutorials



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