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PerfectApps™ Help Guide

In the case of database and LDAP connection actions, PerfectApps passes the action details to the Connection Agent. This then assembles the parameters into a SQL statement (or LDAP query). This means that there is no risk of SQL injection attacks.


Database connection actions can both send and receive data using SQL statements or by running a stored procedure. Database connection action types include:






Stored Procedure


Creating a Select Action

Creating a Select Action

(4 min)

Watch this tutorial to see how to configure the most commonly used Select action.

Insert, Update & Delete Actions

Creating Insert, Update & Delete Actions

(4 min)

Connections can also be configured that will modify the data source. This tutorial covers the methods used to configure Insert, Update and Delete actions in a Database.



See also: Using Stored Procedures to return a Results Set, Directory Services (LDAP) Connections, Connection and Action Permissions


Return to: Creating PerfectApps Connections, Integration