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The PutAsset method allows you to attach files through the API. It will return the attachment ID of the file and populates the Asset ID property of a File Attachment object on an app.


int PutAsset(string tokenIn, byte[] asset, string mimeType, string appId, out string tokenOut, out string assetId)


Send Params

Return Params

asset - This represents the contents of the file to be attached.

assetId - This is the ID of the newly attached asset.

appId - This is the app that the asset is linked to.

mimeType - This represents the type of file. Standard mime types are used.

tokenIn - This is the security token that is obtained by the previous API call. See API Security topic for more details.

tokenOut - This is the new security token that should be used for the next Web Service call after this one. See the API Security topic for more details.


SOAP 1.1

The following is a sample SOAP 1.1 request and response. The placeholders shown need to be replaced with actual values.


POST /api/API.asmx HTTP/1.1


Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8

Content-Length: length

SOAPAction: ""


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soap="">


    <PutAsset xmlns="">









HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8

Content-Length: length


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soap="">


    <PutAssetResponse xmlns="">









SOAP 1.2

The following is a sample SOAP 1.2 request and response. The placeholders shown need to be replaced with actual values.


POST /api/API.asmx HTTP/1.1


Content-Type: application/soap+xml; charset=utf-8

Content-Length: length


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<soap12:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soap12="">


    <PutAsset xmlns="">









HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Content-Type: application/soap+xml; charset=utf-8

Content-Length: length


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<soap12:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soap12="">


    <PutAssetResponse xmlns="">









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