PerfectApps version 7 is compatible with JAWS version 2021. JAWS for Windows is an accessibility solution that reads information on your screen using synthesized speech. JAWS provides many useful commands that make it easier to use programs, edit documents, and read Web pages. JAWS can also provide Braille output in addition to, or instead of, speech.
More information on JAWS can be found here:
Almost all PerfectApps visual controls implement accessibility so that JAWS can read visual object descriptions. Accessibility is implemented as a new property on the Properties panel of visual controls. Depending on the object type, the accessibility properties include:
•Silent - This can only have a checked/not checked value. When checked, JAWS will not include that object in its list of page objects. This property is only available for static text objects.
•Description - The app designer fills this in and is then read by JAWS when the virtual cursor or focus (for focus-able objects) is set on the object using UP/DOWN arrows or TAB key.
•Same as Caption - Several button objects use the Same As Caption accessibility property. JAWS will always read the captions for these objects. It cannot be made silent nor can the text be changed.
•Text (Text, Small Text, Large Heading, Medium Heading, Small Heading): Accessibility description by default will be the same as the text contained in the objects. Users can turn on the Silent property if they don't want JAWS to read it. •Input texts (Text Input, Multiline Text Input, Numeric Input, Masked Text Input): The app user sets the accessibility description when filling out the app. When JAWS finds an object of this type, it will first read any user-defined accessibility description and then the input text value. If the Description property is empty, JAWS will only read the input text value or “blank” if the input text is empty. •Buttons (Button, Submit Button, Page Button): Accessibility description is set by default to be the same as button’s label (Caption property). •Picture: Accessibility options are not supported. •Group and Page: Accessibility Description property is set by the app creator when designing the app. •Date Input: Accessibility Description property is set by the app creator when designing the app. When JAWS is in forms mode, user can only set the date by typing into date input control’s text input. •Captcha: Accessibility Description property is set by the app creator when designing the app. JAWS also reads the CAPTCHA's value. •Progress Bar: Accessibility Description property is set by the app creator when designing the app. JAWS only reads progress bar’s value once. •Time Input: The accessibility description property is set by the app creator when designing the app. Hours, Minutes, Seconds sub-components have default description (“Hours <value>” for the hours text input, “Minutes <value>” for the minutes text input, “Seconds <value>” for the seconds input, where <value> is the time input’s value. •Drop-Down: Accessibility description is the default one. JAWS reads the selected item. •Numeric Stepper: Accessibility Description property is set by the app creator when designing the app. User must type the value for the numeric stepper, not change it using Up/Down buttons. •File Attachment: For security reasons, this object cannot be manipulated only by using the keyboard, so accessibility description is not supported. •Separators (Vertical Separator, Horizontal Separator): Accessibility description is not supported because these are only simple graphical elements. •Table: Accessibility description should be the default one, but accessibility is not fully functional. |
Accessibility for Report Objects
See also: Reflow View
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