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Accessing the Data History of an App Instance

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Data history provides an audit trail that records a data snapshot at the point of each data submission. Data history can only be viewed by:


The app owner

If the app has been shared, anyone who has Data permissions as described in the Granting App Permissions topics.


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To view the data history of an app instance:


Locate the app instance within the tree on the left under the app name. Click the Data History button.

The following information is shown:


Each individual field value at the point of data submission. For tables, each row is shown as a discrete piece of data under the Field column.

The date of the submission

The workflow stage at the time of submission


Accessing the Data History of a Form Instance - Data History Dialog


Data History

Data History

(2 min)

PerfectApps records the data history for each time an app instance is submitted. Watch this tutorial to learn how to see and export an instance's data history.


See also: Exporting Data History of an App Instance


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