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Navigation: Integration > PerfectApps Connections

Calling the Connection from an App

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Once you have your connection and action(s) defined, you can use them in your apps. You will need to add behaviors to your apps that will open the connection and run any of its actions. For information on adding behaviors to events on an app, see the Adding Behaviors topics.


Integration behavior commands include:


Connect (see Connect Properties)

Connect and Search (see Connect and Search Properties)

Transaction (see Transaction Properties)

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1.Load the app that will use the connection action in the App Designer.

2.In Layout view, choose an event that will initiate the integration behavior command. The events are located in the Properties panel under the Behaviors section. The system switches to Behavior view.

3.From the Toolbox on left, find the Integration Commands section and drag the command you want to the behaviors canvas.

4.On the Properties panel, select a connection from the Connections list.

5.Next select an action belonging to that connection. For more information, see Defining Connection Actions.


The options shown on the Properties panel depend on the command you are using and the connection action selected.

6.Save your app and choose Preview from the App menu to see your changes.


See also: Setting Up a Background Lookup Using a Connect Command, Setting Up Popup Lookups


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