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PerfectApps ® Help Guide

Popup lookups are very similar to background lookups with the exception that PerfectApps provides a dialog that allows a user to search in a table.


The process for a popup lookup is very similar to the steps described in the Background Lookup topic, but instead of using a Connect command, use the Connect and Search command.


In the Send Parameters section use the Search check-boxes to specify which fields, if any, you would like to allow the user to make a search with.


In the Return Parameters section use the Show check-boxes to specify which fields of data to show in the search dialogue box.


Enter a Title and a Message to show in the search dialogue box.


Connect and Search
Connect and Search 2


Connect & Search (Look-ups)

Connect & Search

(4 min)

Watch this tutorial to see how to allow app users to search for a record and then import data from that record into their app instance fields.


Also see the Defining Connection Actions topic for more information on how to set up the action on the connection that will actually perform the lookup.


See also: Database Transactions


Return to: Calling the Connection from an App, Integration