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Capital Expenditure Request

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This is a simple two-page application to manage capital expenditure requests.

The first page collects information about the stakeholders; requester, manager & IT manager along with details of the request.

The second page is used for the approval process.


All requests will require approval by the appointed manager. IT requests, selected from the Type drop-down on the first page, will, additionally, require approval by the appointed IT manager.


To try this application out first, just click the picture below to start an instance of the application. (On a mobile device it will look different but will work in the same way)


Click the picture to try it out.


Should you wish to use this application, as all of the stakeholders are specified in the application, there are no links needed to users in your system so this one is ready to go.


It's also configured for Mobile Design. Read the enclosed installation instructions if you have a license for this feature and would like to use it for this application.


Click HERE to learn more about the Mobile Design feature.



To download this application and related details, click here. Then extract and import into your system. Log on to PerfectApps, go to the Apps Workspace and click the Import button. Then select the (.PA or .PF) file you saved locally and continue through the import steps.


To learn how to import an app into your account see App Management Video Tutorials


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