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PerfectApps ® Help Guide

Navigation: Designing an App

Laying Out an App

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When laying out an app, there are four basic interactive elements:


App - An app can be a single page or multiple pages used to gather information.

Page - A page is the collection of App Objects that users interact with to input data, trigger actions or make selections.

Group - A group is an object that contains other App Objects (But objects may also be placed on a page without being inside any group)

Object - An object is the single mechanism or interface to support user interaction. Examples include text, header, text input, button, radio button, check box, etc.


When opening an app, the App Designer loads the app in Layout view by default. To switch to Layout view from another view (Behavior or Workflow), click the Universal - Form Layout Icon button in the Designer View above the Navigation Panel.



To see a complete breakdown of all Layout view objects and associated properties available in the App Designer, see the App Layout Objects topics.