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PerfectApps ® Help Guide

Snap to Grid ensures when you drop an object onto a page, the top left corner will snap to a grid intersection. This option aids object alignment on a page.


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To enable Snap to Grid:


1.From the menu bar, select View > Set Snap to Grid - On.

2.Select the object and click and hold the left-mouse button. Move the object and drop it onto the page. The object will snap to the nearest grid line.

3.To view the layout grid select View > Grid - On on the menu bar.


To change the size of a grid, click on the app background (the area surrounding the page in App Layout) or click on the navigation arrows on the Properties panel to display App Properties. Expand the Settings section of the Properties panel and enter Width and Height values in the Grid area.  



See also: Aligning with Snap to Text Neighbor


Return to: Aligning, Spacing and Layering Objects, Laying Out an App, Designing an App