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Navigation: Designing an App > Laying Out an App > Managing Object Properties > Tab Index

Setting or Modifying Tab Stops and Tab Order

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You can specify if an object can be tabbed to and the order in which the focus will move from object to object when the Tab key is pressed.


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To set or modify tab stops and tab order:


1.With an app loaded in the App Designer in Layout view, select the object for which you want to control tabbing. The object properties are displayed on the Properties panel.

2.In the Properties panel, expand the Settings section.

3.To exempt the selected object from the tab order, un-check the Tab Stop check box.

4.To set or modify the tab order, enter a number to represent the object order. As a general practice, tab order or movement should go from top left to bottom right.


A Check Box Group or Radio Button Group object can be included in the tab order. When an app user tabs through to the group object, they will come to the first object in the group, and then they will use the arrow keys to navigate through the other options.


5.On the menu bar, select File > Preview to test the tab order.


See also: Validating Data Entry


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