Table Settings
Additional Information
The value in this column represents the header text for the column.
The column name is a property of the column object. To edit the column name, access the column properties panel by double-clicking on the entry in the header column of the columns list.
Select the type of column object.
Type options include:
•Button - Show a button which, when clicked, can run a pre-defined behavior. •Check Box - A standard check box. •Child App Button - See the Linking Apps and Using Parent-Child Relationships topics for a full explanation. In short, it causes a new instance of a user-specified app to be displayed. PerfectApps maintains the relationship between the button and the child app so if it is clicked again, it will show that same child app instance. Note that the Child App column properties contains a property titled 'New Window' that instructs the app to open the child instance in a new browser tab. •Date input - Enables date selection from a drop-down calendar or by manual date entry. •Drop-Down - A drop-down list of optional values. •File Attachment - Allows the app user to attach a file within a table row. •Numeric Input - Allows for numeric entry only. •Radio Button - Acts only as a visual indicator of one item selected in a table. Unlike a regular Radio Button object, no specific value can be returned from the user's selection in a Radio Button Column. •Text Area - Provides a multi-line text input. •Text Input - Allows for text entry on a single line. •Time Input - Time input allowing a 24-hr clock as well as other options. |
The Type selected here dictates what properties are available. To access the Column Properties panel, double-click on the entry in the Columns list.
Linking Apps and Using Parent-Child Relationships
The value in this column displays the state assigned to the column.
To edit the state, double-click the item and make changes in the Access section on the column object's Properties panel.
With field state management, you control access to individual objects on the app. You can prevent individual roles from changing, or even viewing, specific data or areas on the app. See Limiting User Access to App Fields for more information on how to control access to fields.
Adding Workflow
The Workflow Diagram
Loading the Object States Overview
Explanation of State Priority
Understanding the Default State
Click the Add Column button to add a new column to the table.
If you want to specify the column type prior to adding the new column, select an option from the drop-down list to the right of the Add Column button. Once you've made a selection, then click the Add Column button. The Properties panel reloads with the new column's properties open for editing. Only properties for that object type are displayed.
Click the Move Column Up and Move Column Down buttons to reorder the table columns by moving them up and down in the list.

Click the Remove Column button to remove a column from the table.

Click the Fit Columns Evenly button to automatically make the widths of all of the columns the same.
Show Header
Select or clear this check box to show or hide the header row for the table.
Edit the height (in pixels) of the columns in the header row for the table.
It is recommended that you use the default height value provided unless your header text is long and needs to wrap to fully display. It should be noted that the header text is actually entered on the column properties, not the table properties.
This value is not used if the 'Show Header' check box is cleared.
Show Buttons
Select or clear this check box to show or hide the row control buttons located beneath the table. These buttons allow the user to add or remove rows from the table.
Resizable Columns
Select this check box to allow app users to resize column widths.
Show Footer
Select this check box to allow the option to display the Sum or Average of a column's data in a footer.
Only applicable to Numeric and Text Input column types. A further selection of None, Sum or Average must also be made in the column properties.
Row Settings
Edit the height (in pixels) of the rows in table.
Edit the maximum number of rows permitted in the table.
Maximum value allowed is 400,000
Mandatory Answer
Select the Mandatory Answer check box to make the contents of the object required in order to submit the app instance.
You may enter a custom message in the text input below the check box. This message will be displayed if some part of the object has not been completed prior to app submission.
Click the ellipses button to display the Edit Mandatory dialog. Use this matrix to make the object mandatory based on conditions of roles and stages.
Marking as Mandatory
Checking for Mandatory Fields
Displays the object's location in from the top of the app (in pixels).
Displays the object's location in from the left margin of the app (in pixels).
Shows the width of the object.
Shows the height of the object.
The height cannot be less than 150px.
Indicates the layer number this object occupies. You can drag an object so that it fully or partially covers another object. Depending on the layer number it occupies, it may be positioned underneath another other object.
Tab Index
Indicates the order in the tabbing sequence that this object will be arrived at when the app user is using their Tab key to navigate through the app fields.
Tab Index
Tab Stop
Clear this check box to exclude the object from the tab order altogether.
Enter tooltip text to show to an app user when they hover their mouse over the object.
Enter text that will be read aloud or converted to Braille for JAWS users.
Accessibility and JAWS Compatibility