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Typical Integration Scenarios

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There are two general types of integration: Outbound and Inbound. Outbound integration is when an app initiates the connection to another system. Inbound integration is when another system wants to pass data to PerfectApps. This topic covers outbound integration only. See the PerfectApps API topics in this guide for more information on inbound integration.


Listed below are several common outbound integration scenarios.


Background Lookup

If a user selects a specific item from a list, for example, you may want the app to go retrieve data from a database and then populate that data into a field elsewhere on the app.


Popup Lookups

You may require your app to be able to extract data from a database or LDAP system. For example, a parts catalog is stored in an Oracle or SQL database and you want to allow the user to search that catalog and return the official part name, unit price and code back into the app.


Writing to database tables

PerfectApps can add, modify or delete information in a database table.


Calling stored procedures

PerfectApps can send information to a stored procedure.


Directory Services (LDAP)

PerfectApps treats LDAP like a database and is able to perform background and popup lookups.


Web Services

PerfectApps has the ability to pass data from the app to a Web Service. This is a good approach for developers as well as being the standard SOA type interface for many products such as, SAP and more.


Google Spreadsheets


PerfectApps has a connection type that allows data to be imported from a Google Spreadsheet.

Note that this feature requires an additional purchase.



PerfectApps has a connection type that allows a text (ASCII, delimited) file to be treated as a database.



See also: Creating PerfectApps Connections


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