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PerfectApps ® Help Guide

Reporting charts are pictorial representations of data from your app(s).


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Complete the steps below to add a chart to your report:


1.With a report loaded in the Report Designer Layout view, drag a Pie, Bar or Line Chart object onto the report.

2.On the Properties panel, collapse the Navigation and Style sections and expand the Data section.

3.In the Data Source drop-down, select the app that will supply the data for the chart.

4.In the Fields / Group section, select the fields to report on or click the ellipses button to specify fields for the chart.

5.In the Fields / Value section, select the function (such as Sum or Average) and the fields on which to report the values. Alternatively, you may click the ellipses button to build a value statement for the chart.

6.Specify additional sorting, filtering and other miscellaneous options as needed.



Most of the functions are statistical and can only be applied if the object you are reporting on is a Numeric Input object. The exception is the Count function, which can be applied to non-numeric objects and will return the number of instances.


If you have a bar chart that reports on a drop-down object containing values populated using a connection, you must ensure that the Show All Possible Values check box is not checked.


Don't forget the valuable feature of previewing your report. This allows you to see how it looks and make any necessary adjustments before finalizing, ensuring the accuracy of your data presentation.


Bar Chart

Bar Chart

(3 min)

The Bar Chart is one of the options available for displaying data in a report. Watch this tutorial to learn how to use this in your reports.

Pie Chart

Pie Chart

(2 min)

The Pie Chart is another of the options available for displaying data in a report. Watch this tutorial to learn how to use this in your reports.

Line Chart

Line Chart

(2 min)

The Line Chart is another of the options available for displaying data in a report. Watch this tutorial to learn how to use this in your reports.


Next: Adding Reporting Tables


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