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Using a table in a report allows you to display multiple elements of data from a single app instance.


Provided that you have selected the Meta-Link option in your data source, you will be able to use this to create an access portal for your app instances.


Use a Data List or Data Grid, and in the object properties, select all the fields from the data source you want to display in the report. Make sure that you select the Meta-Link option for access portals.


In the Caption column, enter the table's header text, and in the Field column, select the field from the drop-down below.


Data Grid - Data


For more information on this type of object, see Adding a Data List or Data Grid


Data List

Data List

(5 min)

The Data List is a table reporting object that can display data from many different fields on the linked app. In this tutorial, you will also see how it can be adapted to become an access portal by including a link to the individual app instances.

Data Grid

Data Grid

(3 min)

The Data Grid offers similar features to the Data List but with the added option of aggregating data for a field or fields on the app. Typically, this would be used to see the total value of orders by department.


Next: Adding Dynamic Filters


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