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PerfectApps ® Help Guide

This is a list of some useful values that are not app fields but you may find yourself wanting to access in a formula or condition.


App - Stage

The current workflow stage.

App - Role

The role of the user viewing the app instance.

App - Instance Name

This is the app instance name as defined in the App Instance section of the App Properties.

App - Instance Number

Each app instance for each app has its own unique Instance Number, which is a sequential number starting at 1 and incrementing by 1. The number is only created once the app instance is submitted by the user for the first time. This is to prevent holes in the numbering sequence

App - Instance ID

Each app instance has its own unique ID, which is a random alphanumeric ID created when the instance is first submitted.

App - Instances Count

This will show the number of instances that have been submitted for the current app at the time that the current instance was opened.

App - URL

This will show the URL for the current app instance. This will be a combination of the server address and the unique Instance ID.

App - Parent Instance Name

This is the app instance name of the current app’s parent instance. This is only relevant if the current app instance was created as a child of another (parent) app instance.

App - Parent Instance Number

This is the app instance number (unique sequential number) of the current app's parent instance. This is only relevant if the current app instance was created as a child of another (parent) app instance.

App - Parent Instance ID

This is the app instance ID (unique alphanumeric ID) of the current app's parent instance. This is only relevant if the current app instance was created as a child of another (parent) app instance.

App - Child Instance Names

If the current app instance has any child instances, the names of these will be listed here.

App - Child Instance Numbers

If the current app instance has any child instances, the instance numbers of these will be listed here.

App - Child Instance ID's

If the current app instance has any child instances, the instance ID's of these will be listed here.

App - Is in Read-Only State

Returns true or 1 if the state of the app is Read-Only and returns false or 0 if the state of the app is not Read-Only. True and false are returned to text input fields, 1 and 0 are returned to numeric input fields. The viewing state of a app instance is set in the advanced section of app properties.

Behavior - Last Command was successful

Returns true if the last behavior was successful and false if an error occurred.

Behavior - Last Command's error code.

Returns the error code if the last behavior was not successful or returns the value of 0 (zero) if the behavior was successful.

Behavior - Last Behavior's Return Value

Often used in conjunction with the Exit command which can provide a value. The value provided by the Exit command can then be used in the next behavior triggered.

Util - Current Time

Returns the current time from the local machine of the person viewing the app instance.

Util - Current Date

Returns the current date from the local machine of the person viewing the app instance.

Util - Server Date

Returns the current date from the server of the PerfectApps application.

Util - Server Time

Returns the current time from the server of the PerfectApps application.

Util - New Line

This inserts a carriage return and line feed, typically into a string of text that will end up in a text field.

User - First Name, Last Name, etc.

These user entries contain personal details of the PerfectApps user currently accessing the app. These details are passed from the Personal Details view on the Settings Dashboard.

Gateway – HTTP USER

Identifies the current user if authenticated. Domain user name is returned as special variable in order to identify the authenticated user. Single sign-on gateway must also be installed and inside an Active Directory environment. See also Single Sign-On.

Workflow - Stage "name"

Specific stages may be included in conditions and if the stage name is changed the condition will automatically change.

Note: If a workflow stage is deleted and replaced with another stage bearing the same name, then the links between the stage and existing conditions will be broken.


See also: Helper Fields as Variables


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