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PerfectApps ® Help Guide

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To view a list of all apps created by an account:


1.Go to the Accounts page.

2.Within the Accounts list, locate and double-click on the account you want to work with or select and click the Edit button.

3.On the Account Details screen, expand the Apps section.


Viewing a List of Apps for an Account - Apps Section

oName: The name of the app.

oInstances: Total number of instances for each app.

oSubmissions: Total number of Submissions for each app.

oNotifications: Total number of Notifications sent by each app.

oStorage: How many bytes of storage each app uses.

oMobile Enabled: If the app's mobile version is enabled, the value listed will be True. If no mobile version is enabled, it will be listed as False.

oDeleted: If the app is deleted, the value will be listed as Yes. if the app is not deleted, it will be listed as No.

oUndelete: This allows the PerfectApps BU administrator to Undelete apps for clients. If an app is deleted, the Undelete button will be enabled.



See also: Viewing a List of Reports for an Account


Return to: Accounts, Administering PerfectApps On-Premise, PerfectApps On-Premise