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PerfectApps ® Help Guide

The workflow diagram will include all the logic to drive the process through your organization; however, it is better to take this step by step.


The initial focus of your workflow diagram should be to define the different stages in the process, but it is essential to have a good understanding of the whole process.


Open the workflow drawing canvas by clicking on the workflow icon. Universal - Workflow Area Button


Drag a workflow stage onto the canvas from the toolbox for each logical step in your process.


Name each stage with a name relevant to the process step and easy to understand. Examples could be “New Request,” “Manager Decision,” “Completed,” etc.


Link the stages together using the yellow join points on the stage edges to define the potential pathways that an instance may follow through the process. Conditional logic can be included using more than one pathway from a single stage.


For more information, please see the article for Adding Workflow


Workflow Stages

Workflow Stages

(4 min)

Workflow logic determines how app instances move through your organization. The first task in setting up your workflow logic is to define the different stages in your process.


Although not essential, comments are recommended on your workflow diagram can help in the future management of your app. For more information see: Adding Workflow Comments


Next: Creating User Roles


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