PerfectApps software updates can include new features, enhancements to existing features, or improvements.
Where new features or enhancements to existing features have been included, the details are listed below:
What's New in Version 7.3.0 (May 2024)
Show or Hide Processing Message Processing messages were displayed in the past to confirm that behaviors had been triggered. We have added the option to show or hide processing messages. The default setting is for processing messages to be displayed. For further information, see Behavior Processing Messages.
REST API links added to the Links view. A URL link to access the REST API has been added to the list in the ‘Link to Latest Published Version view.’ For more information, see Using the API reference links
Links to opened behavior events In behavior mode, we have included a breadcrumb for the currently opened behavior event and links to other events that were opened during the current session. For more information, see Adding Behaviors
Adding a Google E-mail Server as an account resource In response to Google’s announcement that from September 30th, 2024, third-party apps that use only a password to access Google accounts and Google Sync will no longer be supported, we have implemented a more secure, modern authentication experience for our users. For more information, see Adding an E-mail Server as an Account Resource
Enabling Reflow View Reflow View showcases an app in an adaptive, single-column layout across all devices. For more information, see App Properties
What's New in Version 7.2.0 (December 2023)
What's New in Version 7.1.0 (August 2023)
What's New in Version (March 2023)
What's New in Version 7.0.0 (January 2023)
What's New in Version 6.1.7 (August 2022)
What's New in Version 6.1.6 (June 2022)
What's New in Version 6.1.5 (February 2022)
What's New in Version 6.1.4 (August 2021)
What's New in Version 6.1.1 (April 2020)
What's New in Version 6.0.0 (Oct 2019)
What's New in Version 5.1.4 (Dec, 2018)
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